lemcal - The 1 tool you need to book more meetings 📆 | Product Hunt
Time left to join the challenge

30-day booking page challenge

Create the best-looking booking page with lemcal and compete for prizes
Top #1
Macbook Pro
(or equivalent cash prize)
Top #3
AirPod Pro
Top #50
Free lifetime subscription
(premium plan worth $144/yr)
Time left to join the challenge

How do I join the challenge?

Create your free lemcal account
Design your booking page
No design skills required
No code required
Submit your booking page for the challenge
Gather upvotes to reach the top of the ranking
How can I join the Challenge?
To participate in the challenge, you need to have a free lemcal account. After registering, create your custom booking page and click on "Share your booking page" to submit it for the challenge.
Is there any fee to participate in the contest?
Participation in the contest is entirely free, and you don’t need a paid lemcal subscription to compete in the challenge.
How can I earn additional upvotes?
You can receive 10 additional upvotes for every person you invite to create an account on lemcal. As soon as the referral has completed the onboarding, the refferal will be added to your account and you will receive your 10 additional votes. You can invite as many people as you want from the product, in the "Referrals" tab.
When does the contest end?
The contest ends on October 11th at midnight.
How are the winners selected?
At the end of the 30-day period, the winners will be chosen.

The top 50 people with the most upvotes, will get a free lifetime access to lemcal's "Pro" plan.

The top 10 will be decided by the community, based on who has received the most upvotes and referrals. One participant from the top 10 will be selected by the lempire team to win the grand prize (the Macbook Pro).

The people in the Top 3 (excluding the winner of the grand prize) will get AirPod pros.
What are the prizes for the contest?
The grand prize is a MacBook Pro or its cash equivalent (up to €3,000). Other prizes include AirPods Pro and a lifetime free subscription to lemcal's "Pro" plan for the top 50 participants with the most upvotes. Learn more here.
Who can I contact if I have a question?
You can contact us via email here if you need anything.
What is lemcal?
lemcal is the tool that allows you to schedule all your meetings on autopilot. It eliminates unnecessary back-and-forth and helps you book more meetings.
How does lemcal work?
By linking lemcal to your Microsoft or Google account, users will be able to book slots directly in your calendar without any friction.
What are the advantages of lemcal over similar tools like Calendly?
lemcal lets you import your Calendly schedules in seconds. It also generates a fully personalized booking page to help you attract leads, reduce no-shows, and build your personal or company brand.
Is lemcal free?
Yes, lemcal is currently free.
How can lemcal improve my productivity?
lemcal automatically tracks the performance of your meetings and syncs your leads with the tools you love, reducing the time it takes to schedule meetings.
What tools can I sync with lemcal?
lemcal allows you to sync with lemlist, Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom (coming soon).
What is the personalized lemcal link?
Your personalized lemcal link opens to your fully customized booking page, where people can schedule meetings with you quickly and easily. Sign up now to reserve your unique link!

“I canceled my Calendly subscription to use lemcal for free."

Victor Alexandrian
COO @Scalability
Book meetings in style with your own custom booking page generated in less than 1 minute.
Replaces for free
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The go-to tool for booking meetings of 3,724+ users

Very happy to see this new tool coming: a perfect experience for us and for our customer, so easy and smooth to schedule a meeting 😍
Maxime Claval
CEO @Enercool
lemcal has been a game-changer, allowing me to book meetings on autopilot. Really love the individual landing page feature which creates a dedicated booking page from my LinkedIn profile!
Patrick Kilian
Growth @acto
I have been a power user of multiple calendar solutions but lemcal really changed the game with it's customizable booking page & seamless UX.
VP Ops @Skello
Top #1
Macbook Pro
(or cash equivalent)
Top #3
AirPod Pro
Top #50
AirPod Pro
(premium plan)