How to import schedules and events from Calendly

learn how to import your existing Calendly schedules and events

You may have a bunch of events already created on Calendly and you don’t want to spedn time re-creating them in lemcal?

No worries, we’ve got your back!

1 - Go to your Settings > Preferences

2 - Find the Calendly button at the bottom of the page and click on it:

If you’re already logged in Calendly on your browser, we will automatically link your calendly to lemcal.

If you’re not logged on Calendly on your browser, a pop up will open asking you to enter and confirm your Calendly credentials.

3 - Right after the connection process, you’ll be able to select the type of schedules and events you’d like to import.

4 - Finally, click on Import configuration to finalize your import.

That's it!

I’ve also recorded a quick loom for you so you can follow the entire process from beginning to end!

Don't hesitate to reach out to support if you're left with any questions!