Understand your Scheduled Meetings section

Everything you need to know about the Scheduled Meetings section

Heyyyyy there!

Scheduled Meetings is the section where you get to follow up on your upcoming and past events, filter them and take some actions if necessary.

First, to access this section, find it in your left side bar and click on it:

Let's cover the different type of filtering methods available:

  • Date and time: choose to filter by upcoming or past events.
  • Status: choose to filter by event accepted or cancelled.
  • Meeting types: choose to filter by meeting types.
  • Schedules: choose to filter by availabilities.

Want to cancel a meeting?

No problem!

In your scheduled meetings section:

  • make sure to filter your meetings by upcoming only.
  • find the meeting you need to cancel
  • click on the 3 dots and click on "cancel meeting"

That's it! 😄